Tax Payer Bill of Rights

As a tax payer the IRS has prepared a list of rights that we have when dealing with the IRS. Calling the IRS or getting audited is not the highlight of any tax season, and it is good to know what to expect and what rights you have. Below is a link to the list right from the IRS regarding what we can expect from our interactions with them. It may take you a few calls or messages to get the information you need, but keeping your cool and being respectful always wins the day.

2023 tax pointers

2023 is nearly over and it is time to begin collecting your documents to get your returns filed. My best practice is to gather everything that says tax document that comes in the mail, collect your w2s and 1099s and anything that you think applies to your tax situations. Gather it all so that your preparer can filter through it and select the items they need. April come really fast and the more prepared you are the easier it will go for you in the spring. Let’s get ready and get this knocked out early so it doesn’t become an issue. Here are some great pointers from the IRS:

ERC Update

The IRS is sending out over 20000 letters to businesses who cannot claim the ERC credit due to not having employees or not being in business in the necessary timeframe. This is due to what they consider to be aggresive and misleading advertising for the credits and some providors aggresively filing for credits that may not be valid. You can read a release from the IRS here:

Gift Card Scams

Don’t fall for a scammer pretending to be from the IRS and asking you for a gift card to pay anything. It is a scam. Watch this video from the IRS if you have any doubts: